Arri 300 Plus Tungsten Fresnel
Arri 150 Watt Tungsten Fresnel
Litepanels Snapbag Softbox with Removable Baffle for Gemini 1×1
Litepanels Dual Battery Bracket for Gemini 2×1 Soft LED Panel (Gold Mount)
Litepanels Snapgrid Eggcrate for Gemini 1×1 LED Panel (40°)
Litepanels Dual Gemini 1×1 Array Kit with Yoke
K5600 Joker Bug 400w HMI PAR Kit
Kino Flo 4’Bank Light
Kino Flo Diva-Lite 415 Fluorescent Fixture
Lumahawk 3 LED Light Kit
Quasar Science Q25R Rainbow LED Lamp